Tuesday 17 September 2013

How to make Corn Akoori

How to make Corn Akoori


 Onion-2  chopped.
 Tomato-1  finely  chopped
 Coriander & green chillies fine chopped
Corn Kernels 400gm.
 Eggs 4
Salt to taste.
 Oil 2 tea spoons


 In a pan heat the oil and fry onions in it till soft and pale brown.
 Add tomato cover and cook on low heat for 5 minutes.
 Add coriander leaves, chillies and salt, Stir well and cook uncovered for 2 mins. Add corn and mix well.
 Remove pan from heat.
 Break eggs into a bowl and beat a few strokes to just blend the yolks and whites, then add to corn mixture and mix well.
 Return pan to heat and cook a few minutes stirring till eggs are scrambled and serve at once.

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